Hi JB Hope you are fine I have an issue with my wetek paly 2 Tuner I am attaching with this post the Picture first it has IC ( you can see In picture ) S8035 it got burnt some how I don't know on pin 6 I replaced the IC now the LNB output voltages are 5.42 V DC I checked the capacitors & diodes seems working my doubt is on the coil & may be the Chip AVL 6211 .I need your opinion on that I am attaching the Data sheets of both IC 8035 & AVL 6211 kindly take a look & give your Valuable suggestion what to do next Regards
I think, best start is to remove the burned ic and check the Vin and Vout pins from the board by ohms. Do it between the ground and the measurement spot. When the Ohm measurements does not give a short to ground, or very close to it, try it with a new ic. Or, since you already have replaced the ic, and gives a very low lnb output, check the Vin, it should be 12v, and after the coil to Lx, also 12v, afther the diode to Vcp and boost it should be higher Suppose that the 0.1 uf to Vcp is shorted to ground, then the whole lnb output will collapse. Basically, the Vcp and boost must be higher than 12v, lower or the same 12v wil give an lower lnb output as you say half of the 12v. thus, check the caps, diodes etc after the 12v coil, and check the coil, check if it gives at leas no 12v loss after the coil, and also a good indicater may also be when the coil become hot, which can be the coil itself, or a heavy load to it.
Hi Thanks for the detail reply I measured the voltage on the IC S8035 I am attaching the picture here I also measure the voltage on capacitors & diodes around & yes the coil is not heating & gives 12.3 v both sides please see the attachment ..One more thing ..the box wetek says no tuner connected
When the box not sees any tuner, thus not recognized, then the tuner will not be active, which could be caused due a missing main 3.3 voltage delivery to the tuner module. It could be a inductor, in any case measure the pins of the tuner connector of the motherboard without a tuner connected, and see if you can find the 3.3v. When it's there, check on the tuner module this pin, check if this voltages will be delivered. Or, measure the tuner module, see if you measure a 3.3v on one input pin which must be a main voltage delivery.
Thanks for reply I measured the voltage & the pins yes there are 3.3 volts coming & there is chip ( I have encircled it white ) becomes too hot in few seconds that It burned my finger I am unable to find the right number but it seems written as Y 2018 Q5G6S 836D . I googled it but there aren't any results ..could that be the one creating problem ...I think t controls RF out signal I am not sure
That it become hot could be due two things, or the ic is defective, or it had a to high power consumption from a surrounding part. In any case, it's important to know precisely the marking number of it, but at the other hand it looks as if it's a similar circuit as the dm520 has. In that case it's most likely a Singe LNB supply and control voltage regulator, maybe the same as from the dm520. https://jb8a8f8.com/support/index.php?attachments/dm520s-voltages-overview-jpg.1381/
hi Thanks for reply & sharing the link I some how find out the number it is Q5G6S 636D I double checked it yes it's the number but unfortunately could find the datasheet if you know any particular web page where i can find any data please let me know I am also trying to find on Chinese pages may get some luck ..any ways thanks again for the details you share
Yeah, marking codes, and from different country's are always difficult to find. It may as well a part or markings code from China or Russia and when it is, than there is often no information to find on the internet. In any case, searching to, 16-lead QFN marking code Q5G6S or 16-lead QFN marking code 636D or Single LNB Supply and Control Voltage Regulator marking code Q5G6S or Single LNB Supply and Control Voltage Regulator marking code 636D gave no results. But when you find it worth, then I think the easiest way is just to buy another tuner on ebay, when I search on ebay to Wetek tuner, if find several sellers.
Just for curiosity if this Q5G6S is Single LNB Supply and Control Voltage Regulator then what's the function of S8035BE ..I mean the S8035BE is also voltage regulator & LNB Supply
Yeah, you're correct. In that case I don't know right now the function of it, because I have no other tuners which use this type of parts settings. Sometime you may be able to find the function of it when you make a schematic of al the 16 pins, to know where it goes. By taking/searching to a schematic of the part were it's linkt to you may find the function of it. But, it's time consuming.
Great ...... You are right can look on the PCB where it leads ..any how I 'll remove this & then see happens .....Thanks Best Regards
Hi I am writing this detail just to share the knowledge so that it could help to all other ..Finding the QFN marking of the chip was like cracking some wwII codes ..anyways I search & tried to contact videostrong the manufacture as I expected they didnt reply tried several emails to wetek officials tried other forums also but no one knew ..anyways I tried to search my own by typing on google smd av2018 QFN & the result was amazing ..it was just a guess (I have seen AV2018 written on the tuner PCB & was searching but no results were coming ) . The Chip was designed by airoha http://www.airoha.com.tw/webe/html/pro/index.aspx?kind=60&num=68&lv=2 here are the pictures attached for further study . I also contacted them for data sheet of this chip but they haven't replied me yet ..any ways I think the info they share on web page is quite enough to understand it's function & also here is aliexpress link https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32987172989.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.41f22e0eHawDqY I am thank full to JB as he also tried to search& help me a lot This Culprit chip was great teasing Best Regards