Hello I have a problem of network is output HDMI on a vu + zero do you have an idea thank you in advance
Funny, I have allot of receivers and also repaired but never had seen the Vu+ Zero. But okay, since your hdmi and network failed, Then I think as first on a software issue, or when it's hardware a voltage issue. I can not say which voltages it could be, but thinking on a 2.6v or 5v. Not from the main source, but a interrupted inductor or zero resistor which feeds both. Or still, maybe a dc to dc converter which reduce the 12v to 5v, and the network voltages delivery use a 5 to 2.6v dc to dc converter which gets the 5v from a defective 12 to 5v dc to dc converter. But that depends how the voltage to the network has been feed, in any case the hdmi main (switch) voltage is often 5v.
Hi there. I just look for some forums that point to my problem with this hardware. I think this thread is ok. Well, I have Vu+ Zero with no hdmi output, white LED does not blink, just lit all the time after powering on. I've made RS232 cable and got no serial output to PuTTY. The CPU is getting hot after 2 minutes. Don't know what to do, is the CPU dead? Got some voltages between 2.2 - 5V, which looks good, but I don't know how to check what's wrong. Do you have some schematics or some voltage pinouts to this STB ? Thanx for any reply!!
Sorry to say, but based on your symptoms description, and because all the hdmi port pins are without any proper protection directly connected to the cpu. I have no other reason to think that it is a cpu issue. Sometimes to fix after a re-flow job, but often only repairable after a cpu replacement.
Hey, yeah, just like I thought, this is a CPU issue. I can put the new one, but have no guarantee it's gonna work. Thanx for reply.
Hi i have also an Vu Zero with no HDMI output. AV Port has some scary lines. Also the Zero has an Chip called 4786. This Chip is right before HDMI Port an should be Nexperia IP4786CZ32. It should be an additional Chip to secure the CPU from damage. May someone get the voltages around the Hdmi connector for the Zero. Greetings.
In 2019 I had this motherboard, but apparently it was thrown away in the years after. So I can't help you with it, maybe someone else.