good it took me this gigabluehd 800 se plus the problem is that it crashes every two minutes and you have to restart and it is very slow I have gone to change iamgen and the front usb port does not work. (the rear one if it works correctly) there is possibility to change image by another method Thank you
Seems to me some Dc to Dc regulator ic/cap issue, often the one which should deliver the 5v and probably related to the 7sb voltage delivery. But since I do not have this box, I can not say which it is. As for flashing, maybe if you use a usb dock station, one which has it's own power supply may work to flash the box. However, often it does not work, but sometimes do.
okay for now I'm going to change 2 capacitors that are bad When I change I comment on the results, thank you
change capacitors but remains the same it has been left alone in boot and gigablue screen to the front pendrive if 5 volts arrive but it does not blink the pendrive led does not work well port There is a way to load boot or firware with jtag or another method thanks
I would normally use a terminal program as putty to try to see of what is going on, that is, if it has a rs232 port. But as for the boot loader upload, and without using the Usb method, I think than at the jtag/i2c way, but since your receiver just boot, then it seems to me not needed. Flashing it on another way than the Usb, I do not think it's possible, or at least not known to me. But maybe, by serial method, or what I sometimes do when it's possible (and if I already had a clone backup from it) by the nand flash chip reprogramming, using an nand flash chip programmer device. In any case, you may see some reason why it happens in a terminal program if you have the connection for it.
Code: BCM73580001 #!@ AVS 0.5.5 B1 PV=00000333 PV=00000339 MV=000003BF M0 SHMOO VER MSA 16b 1.17 MCB PKID 20130702 003B6000 003B0000 0496103E 00001C00 S300001AF 00001180 +00000004 >00000118 t00000020 0000003C @00000096 ^00000016 RDEN W0 00000025 00000000 00000002 RDLY W0 00000004 RDQS W0 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 00 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 01 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 02 ----------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 03 -----+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 04 ---+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 05 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 06 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 07 --------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 08 --------++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 09 ----------++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 10 ---------++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++----------- 11 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 12 -------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 13 --------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 14 -------++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 15 --------+-+++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++------------ P W0 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 00 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 01 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 02 -----------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 03 -----+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 04 ----++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 05 ------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 06 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 07 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 08 --------++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 09 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++------- 10 --------++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 11 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 12 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 13 ------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 14 ------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 15 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++----------- N W0 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 00 -------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 01 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 02 --------+++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 03 -----+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 04 --+++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 05 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 06 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 07 -----+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 08 -------++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 09 ----------++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 10 --------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 11 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 12 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 13 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 14 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 15 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++------------ WRDQ W0 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 00 +++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++------+++++++++++++++ 01 ++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++-----++++++++++++++ 02 ++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++----+++++++++++++++ 03 ++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++-----+++++++++++++++ 04 +++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++---------+++++++++++++ 05 ++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++--------+++++++++++++++ 06 +++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++--------++++++++++++++ 07 +++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++------+++++++++++++++ 08 +++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++------+++++++++++++++ 09 ++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++------++++++++++++++ 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++------+++++++++++++ 11 ++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++-----+++++++++++++++ 12 ++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++-----+++++++++++++++ 13 ++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++-------+++++++++++++ 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++------++++++++++++++ 15 +++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++-------++++++++++++++ WRDM W0 00000015 WRDM W0 00000015 ADDR 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 00 +++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++S+++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 0000001B =>00000015 CZS#!@#@ BCM97358A1 CFE v3.20, Endian Mode: Little Build Date: 20151104165507 (root@gb800seplus) Copyright (C) Broadcom Corporation. CPU speed: 751MHz DDR Frequency: 796 MHz DDR Mode: DDR3 Total memory(MEMC 0): 512MB MEMC 0 DDR Width: 16 Boot Device: NAND Total flash: 128MB RTS VERSION: Initial RTS Version ETH0_PHY: INT ETH0_MDIO_MODE: 1 ETH0_SPEED: 100 ETH0_PHYADDR: 1 Initializing USB. CFE initialized. USB device matching <USB Disk> not found! Reading flash0.splash: Done. 1244214 bytes read Found splash image - Width = 720 Height = 576 Non Interlaced Replace list 0ebe47b0 0f000000Interlaced Replace list 0ebe52f0 0f 000b40 Loader:elf Filesys:raw Dev:flash0.kernel File: Options:(null) Loading: 0x80001000/9505448 Failed. Could not load : I/O error Trying again with '-nz' option Loading: Failed. Could not load : Not an ELF-format executable CFE>
Well at least you can see that it failed by loading the elf filesys.. Code: Loader:elf Filesys:raw Dev:flash0.kernel File: Options:(null) Loading: 0x80001000/9505448 Failed. Could not load : I/O error Which should be something as this... Code: Loader:elf Filesys:raw Dev:flash0.kernel File: Options:(null) Loading: 0x80001000/8194052 0x807d1804/170572 Entry address is 0x80619110 Starting program at 0x80619110 And should go further with.. Code: Linux version 3.14.2 ( (gcc version 4.9.1 (GCC) ) #1 Sat Oct 11 21:13:11 CEST 2014 Fetching vars from bootloader... found 15 vars. Options: moca=0 sata=0 pcie=0 usb=1 Using 512 MB + 0 MB RAM (from CFE) MEMC0 split: 256 MB -> Linux; 256 MB -> extra bmem bootconsole [early0] enabled CPU0 revision is: 00029032 (Broadcom BMIPS3300) Etc... So as far as I see it, it's pretty messed up with the data on the nand flash chip. This could be a nand flash chip replacement due a I/O error, or it's a issue between the cpu and one of the eight I/O pins of the nand flash chip. I would at least check the solder of the nand flash chip. Although it's from the dm800hd, but in this drawing you can see the vdc and I/O pins etc overview.
Q; What do you recommend me to do then..... A; I think, check/examine the nand chip pins, mainly the I/O pins. Check for bad/outdated solder and/or measure them by ohms between a ground, and the pin. They should all within a same ohm range. Or else I think... Re-upload the cfe boot loader by the jtag method, or erase the nand chip to see if it can do it without issues when you have a connection to it with the bbs software. When fine, upload the cfe file to it, upload after it is done the software by usb. Keep in mind that the usb upload could fail if the nand chip has I/O communication issues to/from the cpu. Another idea to check things as for the usb is... You should may notice it by insert the usb stick with the software on it, and to look into the putty serial terminal if it attempts to read from it, or at least noticed that it present. And another idea could be to connect it to the network and to try to upload thing by putty in telnet mode. But I do not know if and how that can be done with these receiver. I think google search for gigablue hd 800 se plus telnet to learn more about this method. But still, it's all just a few suggestions to help, but it could still be something else instead of what I think it is. I have never had this receiver or had it under repair, so it is based entirely on other receivers with similar symptoms.
i have jtag cypress programmer but what manual would serve me I have looked but I saw for SE model this is the SE PLUS will serve me Thank you and if you can tell me which manual works for me, I appreciate it Thank you so much drivers
Sorry, but I'm limited with the knowledge off the type receiver you have. As far as I see it you could use the tjag connections as descripbed in this How to use “JTAG” for Gigablue HD800 Solo and SE pdf manual. You need the Broadband Studio 3 files broadbandstudio3.msi and bcm97325.msi and the MXIC MX29GA320EL.xml script for accessing the nand chip and for uploading, the cfe file. All files can be found in this topic I2C Gigablue HD800UE, but as for the correct cfe file for the SE, i'm not sure you can use the one in the file but you may find them also at the gigablue support factory images. The only difference between the SE and SE Plus is as far I have read the front panel display. As for image file, I think see Further is my best advice I think, is to use the google search to... JTAG for Gigablue HD800 SE
I have tried jtag and nothing impossible to connect I think there is no communication with cpu correctly
Yeah that's the problem when I do not have this box and known less about it, thus must use the HW info of what I could find on the internet. Now I found out that the cpu is different.. Tech Specs — System, GigaBlue HD 800 SE Plus. CPU, BCM7358. ROM, NOR: 4MB. NAND: SLC 128MB. RAM, DDR-3, 512GB. Front. By seeing this you need to use the bcm97358.msi instead of the bcm97325.msi. Maybe I still have it, but it could be that it still can be downloaded from the internet. Otherwise, wait for tomorrow then I could search for it onto one of my hdd's.
Here is the Bbs BCM7358, but as for the correct nand flash script you or else I need to know which chip your motherboard has, In any case use the correct xml file and also the cfe bin file to upload Maybe you can use it from the Image & Bootloader section.
thanks for your help I have already managed to connect the problem is that the deco has this flash spansion s34ml01g100tf100 and does not appear to select Thank you
Unfortunately, I am no longer at the location to see if I have these s34ml01g1.xml. I may not be back there before Friday, so it may take a few days before I'm be able to see if I have it, or can make one.
Do not worry thank you very much and if you can send it to me and if not, I will return the deco and that's it .. I don't want to bother you much I will look for if there is info by google but I saw little info
Okay, here is the Spansion S34ML01G1 which looks as this.. EDIT/UPDATED... The previous xml code was wrong and removed, as also the zip file has been re-upload. The correct one seems to be.. Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Flash maker="Spansion" name="Spansion S34ML01G" type="NAND" technology="SLC"> <Command type="Nand" programmode="Block" maxbyte="2048"/> <ID> <Maker maxbyte="1" offset="0x00">0x01</Maker> <Device maxbyte="1"> <DevId offset="0x01">0xF1</DevId> </Device> </ID> <Size unit="gbit">1</Size> <Sector uniform="true" secure="false"> <MaxSector>1024</MaxSector> <Size unit="kbyte">128</Size> </Sector> </Flash> Download the zip file and place the Spansion S34ML01G1.xml file into your program files\Broadcom\Broadband studio 3\Flashed directory.