Good morning, I wanted to ask the experts I have an original dm8000 recently does not work anymore, the blue LED lights up but nothing works the LCD on and off the network and off you can not do too flash it by rs232 Parthian and died I thought the problem was the power adapter I tried another functional but nothing more and the blue LED on and nothing more things you think or is useful tips thank you
It's not clear if you have replaced the Power supply, but this is mostly the first thing that it could be. If so, Next step is to see (measure) if the main board gets all his voltages from the power supply. For a good overview, see this image. Tell me if you missing one of more voltage, than I maybe be able to help you further with it.
Thanks for the answer Honestly I had brought in a technical and he told me that changed to another power supply, but the problem is not solved and he could not figure out where the problem arises I'll try what you told me and I'll let you know regards
Yeah well, I do not know if he had used a good working power supply, but I may assume he did. What I need to know is if you're power supply is switched on, so that it delivers all the correct voltage. If it is not switching on, you should see only the 14v, and depending of the type motherboard the 3.31v switching voltage. Without this voltage, the power supply will not switched on. In some cases you must pressure the power on button on the front to see this 3.31v voltage. And if you do press the front button, measure also the 14v while pressing, see if it collapse to a lower voltage. If so, then you may have a faulty front display. This you can test, by disconnecting the front display from the front panel, or is some cases the box turns on without connecting the front panel. However, if you want to disconnect the front panel from the main board, take a note or photo of the connector so that you know how it must be reconnected.
hello I was looking on the internet and I put the keyword "dm8000 power supply" I found a site where you discussed the supply problems and someone said try to heat up the power supply with the phono, it felt like a bullshit instead really was a good idea, after a little warm I tried to turn on the box and as a maggia work again as before, and now everything works fine with no problems, but here I wanted to ask your opinion what was the problem and that, and the component that gave problems and that can still give me problems in the future if you do not try to change it thanks and bye
Okay, so if I understand it correctly then you're problem has been solved? And yes, I know that the heating trick could work but it's mostly not a long term solution, but in rare cases it does. Why it in some cases works could be everything as bad caps, bad or outdated solder or bad print tracks or wires etc.. Main thing is, that it has helped you, and you now know that your problem was a power supply issue.
I solved it for now and I hope it lasts you're right, the important thing that we understand where is the problem I think the technician not tried to change the power supply, because if he did it would be fixed anyway thanks for your time Ciao
For prevention, as discussed and proposed by Johnny, I would definitely change the Condos/Caps if your PSU is a clone version. If it's an original version, then again yes, I believe the same Condos/Caps could have issues, so good quality 105°, Rubycon could always give a great help to your PSU. TS